Picture this; While I walk against the flow of traffic(on a pathway beside it o' course), an old man, probably in his late 60s, cycles along the road, being the only thing in slow motion in the wee hours of the morning. As I rush to the bus stop, I peek sideways and see the old man give me a smile so sincere it reassures me that the day's going to be good. And they always would be.
This has happened many times ever since i started school at SIM. Smiling is so powerful you can make someone's day or someone's blog entry =) We all know just a little tweak could turn a smile horribly wrong. If it doesn't reach the eyes, it could be connoted to lying, being nervous, being insincere and many more.
There's this other old man who would bid me a good day if I pass him by on a staircase as he sweeps the leaves away. How nice can my neighbourhood get? It doesnt happen everyday but it has happened a good number of times for me to realize how much of an impact simple gestures could make.
Maybe we should all start today. How?
I found this quote buot Smiles which says "A Smile is a curve that sets everything straight"
ReplyDeleteKinda related to your article here. It is much a relief when someone walks by and greets you with a smile. In religious class, i remember my teacher saying that showing a smile is actually charity. And it kinda does. It makes everyone happy that there's a positive light to life.
A smile is light; it brightens up your day.
A smile is colour; it colours your life.
We all have this innate desire to know the day's gonna be safe, happy and bright. And a smile is a sign (as you said) to show the world it's gonna be alright.
A smile indeed is a powerful thing... =)
this post just made me smile. haha.. i remembered that a teacher(not a science teacher)in secondary school, once told me something like it takes 43 muscles to frown but only 17 muscles to smile.. after google-ing, science second that. Apparently [counting only the muscles that make significant contributions] smiling takes one more muscle than frowning; in exact 12 vs 11. what a liar that teacher was.
ReplyDeletethan again i wasn't smiling much that time. shy!
so she got me smiling and it became a PROBLEM!
unknowingly now, i smile even when i'm alone.
upon these crazy moments, strangers tend to return the smile.
So.. maybe the people who got you smiling back face the same problem as me. LOL!
I'm not being an opposition to your entry but SMILING [or anything to do with it] is a gesture that people interpret differently or doing it with a different meaning. Hence..
Usually people are sincere with their smiles but have you ever stop [after a smile] and wonder what is the other party thinking when giving it? haha.
"we're PLASTIC but we still have fun" Pokerface by Lady gaga. ya think twice now when someone smiled at you unless they are truly sincere about it; but then again there are great actors and actresses out there. LOL
tired of smiling? thinking twice bout it? try to give it with sincerity? any hidden agendas?
WELL think no more cause you have to smile to make your social circle, life and living environment a NICE place to live in. we should be HAPPY and SMILE even when its one muscle more from frowning. "love yourself, love others and have a pure heart" words from late MJ for a peaceful happy world.
be kind and smile. loves.
Ditto to this. A smile, a friendly nod, or a short but warm greeting do wonders and at times even make your day <3
ReplyDeleteHello Dayana :)
ReplyDeleteHAHA I think I get what you mean! I get smiles all the time from the busker who sings his heart out in the tunnel which connects to the MRT. A smile can say alot and it can really make someone's day! Communication with a smile will definitely reap positive effects!
haha i agree wiyh debbie
ReplyDeleteWell a smile breaks barriers. The simple form of acknowledgment. I'm glad someone's smile brightens your day and I'm sure many others have been graced by yours. Whilst it doesnt take much to extend a smile, humans are guarded. Against themselves possibly? Time to let those guards down..Smile. Indeed, the world will benefit.
ReplyDeletenothing wrong in smiling.
ReplyDeletesmile when you're ANGRY..
smile when you're SAD..
smile when you're DEPRESSED..
smile when you're SCARED..
smile when you're TIRED..
smile when you're IRRITATED..
smile when you're STRESSED..
smile when you're LOST..
smile when you're FOUND..
smile when you're IN LOVE..
smile when you're HEARTBROKEN..
smile when you're IN PAIN..
smile when you're OKAY..
smile when you're HORNY..
smile when you're HUNGRY..
smile when you're DISAPPOINTED..
smile when you're WRONG..
smile when you're RIGHT..
smile when you're HAPPY....
PUT your EGO aside and SMILE..
IT'S FREE!! haha
the Anonymous person said Lady Gaga's POkerface had that line "we're plastic but we still have fun". Sorry, but it bothers me that that line is from Paparazzi... Thought I should let you know... Smiles =)