Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Social Norms

I wish that was everyday life! Random people breaking out into songs together. Like how the tissue aunty goes "$1, $1, tissue $1" why can't someone answer in a singsong
"$1, $1, I'll give you $1"? Anyway, check out the reactions of the non participants in the video.
First of all, some background knowledge.
Improv Everywhere is a group of people who collaborate more people to do things out of the social norm in public. They do it for fun but I think it's so clever because it is a diverse form of communication It was created in August 2001 and they have been on 85 missions ever since. Check out the other missions on
Back to the video,
Food Court Musical was staged in a Los Angeles shopping mall. As seen, people were shocked, disturbed and amused. Let's say if it were to happen in Singapore.(there is in fact a group of people who do Improv Everywhere missions here) If the musical was staged near Laselle, passerbys would most probably sit and watch like it's normal. Or even town area like Orchard Road. Many art groups can be found performing along Orchard Road every once in a while hence passerbys would assume that it is just another one. If it were to happen at somewhere less artsy fartsy, maybe an office building near a CBD, the security guard would probably be involved. What i'm trying to say is,different parts of the world or even a country have different definitions and concepts of what is weird and what is normal. People find things that don't fit in their society's culture, weird.

What are your thoughts on social norms? Any interesting stories around the world?

Friday, September 18, 2009

Enlighten Me

Would you do something that produces a positive outcome but is far outweighed by a negative outcome? Would you pursue something that hooks you onto nothing but a bad habit? Would you get yourself into a situation that is so hard to get out of, you will regret it? If your answers to these three questions were a unanimous No, and you're a smoker, please, enlighten me, why?

I have never understood smokers and I would like to try to. Why do people smoke when they are well aware of all the bad things that would happen to them as a result? Every puff shortens one's life so smoking to me is like a lengthy suicide process. I know the macabre images portrayed on smoking adverts are merely an exaggeration but it is also a possibility. One's addiction to the buds could actually lead to that in the long haul.

Smoking is practiced as recreational drug use. What is the line between this term and drug abuse? The main thing that concerns me when it comes to smoking is how selfish a smoker can get. What social smokers do in their social circle of smokers does not bother me but when second hand smoke comes into the picture, I would like to stand up for my own rights and anyone else who does not wish to inhale harmful substances, to be able to breathe in fresh air instead. Some smokers cannot care less about others. They smoke right in your face. I am sorry to say that I hold a grudge against these people. What is their problem?

I have always felt strongly about smoking. I feel diseased at the mere smell of tobacco. Smokers and non-smokers, what are your views?

no offense i promise! this is how i feel and what i think and what i'm supposed to do. :)

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Oh My..

I picked the NewPaper up today, blue blue moon. Have you guys seen the front page? I was downright (upleft) appalled. S'pore's First Topless Car Wash, just what we need eh? The company of a motoring website had come up with the idea of a “one-off private car wash with topless women for a group of lucky winners.” It upsets me to find girls selling themselves like that. Private event it may be but hasn't it already been publicized, appearing front page? Which in turn makes this event to an extent, immoral and unethical. What is modesty in the world today?
"Sex sells. Advertising has to be something different, controversial at best, to attract attention." said Mr Chen, founder of the website holding the event. It attracts attention, yes, but the unlikely event isn't going to help the company in the long run. I don't know but how many guys will actually buy it? And what about the womenfolk who drive just as much as men today?
The event has a facebook page where participants are to introduce five “fans” in order to be eligible for the draw. Take a look for yourself, are 345 fans so far and the 'show' is later this month. Is that really the turnout Mr Chen wanted?
He could have come up with a morally excellent or lighthearted gimmick like say for example the latest Magnum royalty treatment advert with the woman being followed by people from the classical period. It won me over. I went to get my first Magnum ice cream right after I saw the advert and smiled thinking about it. That's what I call successful advertising, one that stays with you in a good way, makes you feel like the product being advertised is can I say, awesome? I'm not an extreme feminist or anything but bare chested women isn't exactly my idea of a gentleman's prerogative. I give Mr Chen credit for making it on the front page of the NewPaper, maybe the publicity stunt was what he was aiming for afterall, maybe his facebook page is going to be flooded instantly after tonight. Now I want to know what others think about the event. Shoot!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009